Cradle Of Filth: album live
CRADLE OF FILTH rivelano il nuovo brano, “She is a Fire”
+ annunciato il primo live album in 20 anni,
Trouble And Their Double Lives
Guarda qui il video ufficiale di “She is a Fire” HERE
Trouble And Their Double Lives uscirà il 28 aprile 2023 su Napalm Records e conterrà i grandi classici della band, i brani preferiti dei fan e due nuove tracce in studio.
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A distanza di appena un anno e mezzo dalla pubblicazione del loro ultimo album in studio, “Existence Is Futile“, i Cradle Of Filth annunciano il loro primo album in studio in oltre 20 anni.
“Trouble And Their Double Lives” uscirà il prossimo 28 aprile su Napalm Records.
Registrato tra il 2014 e il 2019 durante diverse performance tenutesi negli Stati Uniti, Europa e Australia del “Cryptoriana World Tour”, l’album racchiude l’energia live intensa e un testamento sorprendente della nuovissima era della band.
Prodotto, missato e masterizzato da Scott Atkins presso i Grindstone Studios di Suffolk, Regno Unito e registrato da Danny B, questa nuova opera live non solo include alcuni dei brani preferiti dei fan, quali “Nymphetamine (Fix)”, “Bathory Aria” e “Blackest Magick in Practice” – ma comprenderà anche due brani inediti, “She is a Fire” e “Demon Prince Regent”.
Proprio oggi la band presenta il primo singolo tratto dalla release, “She is a Fire”, guarda il video qui di seguito.
CRADLE OF FILTH mastermind Dani Filth says about the track:
“This track and the other original track on this album, ‘Demon Prince Regent’, were both written after the recording of Existence Is Futile and present a perfect, but not necessarily related, bridge between our Nuclear Blast days and the forthcoming album on Napalm Records. It was always intended to be a double album, so we just thought, ‘f**k it! Let’s cram some original material on there as well! The absolute worst of both worlds!
The song itself is about the epitome of burning passion; the dark inspiration of love and the creature that has ignited it.”
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Trouble And Their Double Livestrack listing:

1. She is a Fire (new studio track)
2. Heaven Torn Asunder
3. Blackest Magick in Practice
4. Honey and Sulphur
5. Nymphetamine (Fix)
6. Born in a Burial Gown
7. Desire in Violent Overture
8. Bathory Aria
9. The Death of Love (bonus track)
10. Demon Prince Regent (new studio track)
11. Heartbreak and Seance
12. Right Wing of the Garden Triptych
13. The Promise of Fever
14. Haunted Shores
15. Gilded Cunt
16. Saffron’s Curse
17. Lustmord and Wargasm (The Lick of Carnivorous Winds)
18. You will Know the Lion by his Claw (bonus track)
Trouble And Their Double Lives uscirà nei formati:
-2 CD Digisleeve
-2 LP Gatefold Black Vinyl
-2 LP Gatefold Silver Vinyl (European retail only)
-2 LP Gatefold MARBLED Orange Transparent Black w/ Slipmat – Napalm Records Store exclusive (limited to 500 copies)
-2 LP Gatefold GOLD – Napalm Records Store exclusive (limited to 500 copies)
-Deluxe Boxset (incl Wooden Box, 2 – CD Digisleeve, Patch, Pick tin, Keychain, Earplugs) – Napalm Records Store exclusive (limited to 666 units)
-Digital Album